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Sign up Today! 

We have so many amazing volunteer opportunities for you to choose from to honor those who were lost and those who stepped up to serve following the tragic events of September 11th. Choose to join us at one of our two feature events - our Meals of Hope meal packaging event in Glenwood Springs or our Project Sunshine activity kit assembly event in Rifle. Click the blue buttons below for quick registration for these two community-wide events (only name and email address required for registration).

Glenwood Meals of Hope meal packaging              Rifle Project Sunshine Activity kit assembly

Or choose to serve one of our amazing local nonprofit community organizations who are hosting their own service projects in honor of 9/11. However you choose to join us, please know that we deeply appreciate your willingness to come together as a community in this important day of service! You must be registered as a volunteer before you can sign up for one of our 9/11 volunteer opportunities below. Register as a volunteer here. 

You may sign up as an individual or with a team of friends, family, co-workers or teammates. Volunteering together is a great team building activity!  You will need each team member's names and email addresses to register together.

Click on the volunteer opportunity below that interests you and then click the black sign up button to register! If you have any questions, please call 970-896-6210 or email Mary.

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