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Corporate Volunteer Program
We serve as the central hub for connecting volunteers with local nonprofit organizations and we help area businesses looking to create or expand their corporate volunteer programs. Registered business partners have access to a personalized dashboard to tap into our resources and technology to encourage and track employee volunteer service and community impact. Businesses can also make requests to our nonprofit partners to host group volunteer projects. We make it easy for your employees to volunteer in a way that works for them - with their co-workers or on their own!
Register here to become a corporate partner or read more about the benefits of corporate volunteer programs.
How Do Corporate Volunteer Programs Help Your Business?
Employee volunteer programs provide several benefits including improved employee satisfaction, increased brand reputation, more effective talent recruitment, and much more.
- Engaged Employees Increases Retention: One of the greatest benefits of corporate volunteering is boosting employee engagement. Volunteering helps inspire and motivate your team and build social relationships important for keeping employees interested and involved in your organization. It also helps employees feel like they are part of a greater goal and purpose. When companies incorporate volunteer programs, their employees are more likely to experience purpose through their work and, therefore, are more likely to stay at their job.
- Boosted Company Culture: Corporate volunteering can positively benefit your business’s culture. It helps improve employee camaraderie and allows employees to see their co-workers in a different light while working together towards a common goal. It improves company communication and teamwork and offers an elevated sense of purpose that translates to happier and more uplifted workers.
- Increased Brand Awareness: Participating in corporate volunteering allows businesses to increase their brand awareness. When your team gives back to the community and positively impacts other people’s lives, word gets around. People want to do business with and work for philanthropic organizations. Participating in volunteer programs allows your business to know the community better and vice versa. When the community thinks highly of your organization, they are more likely to engage with your company.
Register here to become a corporate partner!
Harnessing the Power of Volunteerism.